Tis the Season for Giving


Our bins have been in the lobby since mid-November and they are starting to fill up with lots of food donations, but we still need more to make it a success! Please help out by donating healthy, non-perishable food. Some examples include canned entrees such as ravioli or chili, canned meat and tuna, boxed Mac & Cheese, and low-sodium canned soups. Another popular food item that the Food Bank recommends is peanut butter. They CANNOT accept donations of food in glass jars/containers, perishable items, frozen food, fresh produce, alcohol, soda and/or baby food or formula. These barrels are 3-feet tall, and when full, weigh up to 200lbs. Our goal is to fill 3 barrels by December 30th!

The Food Bank serves 1 in 4 Alameda County residents. Together, let's do our part to help feed the less fortunate this holiday season!