eNews from The Hills

We are finishing 2016 with a bang and many great things to celebrate. We have finally been given approval from the county and can move forward with the permit process to expand the fitness center and upper parking lot, and add lights to the Diablo tennis court. I want to thank you for your patience over the two years I have been here while we have tried to get this accomplished. It has been a team effort between The Hills, our neighbors, and our community, modifying plans to meet everyone’s needs. Thanks to the neighbors and community sharing their concerns, the final plans included more parking and a drop off zone to alleviate traffic during the summers. We will now start submitting the completed plans to the building department for the next step in the approval process. After this is done we will have a better idea of the timeline of events and estimated completion date. More information will follow in future newsletters as we learn more, so keep an eye out.
On another fun topic, it’s almost the time of year to participate in the Hill’s 90-Day Passport program! This is a great way to participate in new activities at the club as well as get discounts off your dues. By the time you read this you will be able to pick up your Passport at the front desk. Read below for details on how to participate.
To see other exciting topics, make sure to read below for articles such as our Member spotlight with the Rapson Family as well as the employee spotlight with Tito. We also have some amazing deals for our members in the area of free nutritional consulting as well as free exercise programs.
Until next time, to your health and happiness,
By Amelia Broadhurst
The Hills closing early for the Holidays!
Please note that The Hills will be closing early on Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 24th and on New Year’s Eve, Saturday, December 31st at 4pm both days. We will also be closed all day Sunday, December 23rd, for Christmas and all day Sunday, January 1st, for New Year’s. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
Dues in 2017
By now, you should’ve received an email and/or letter detailing our dues increase for 2017. The dues will be increasing in the slight amount of 1.7% from $178 to $181 for single memberships, and from $285 to $290 for family memberships. The moderate increase is due to an increase in operating costs: Measure FF is increasing the minimum wage again this year to $12.85, and PG&E is increasing some of their fees by 6%-18%. These increases do not affect those with senior memberships. You should’ve also received an email and/or letter detailing our billing options for 2017. You can prepay your dues in the month of January and receive a 5% discount via check and 3% discount via credit card. Don’t let this discount slip away as it expires January 31st.Get your January 90-Day passport starting December 26th
It’s that time of year again! The 90-day passport programs starts January 1st, 2017. For those that are new to the club, our Passport program is an incentive-based program that encourages you to try some new activities in the New Year! Complete at least 12 different activities in any of the next three months and receive a $20 credit for each month (up to $60) on your account. Complete 12 activities during each of the three months and you will be entered to win the Grand Prize of a $250 account credit. Staff members will date and initial completed activities, one per visit. Ask the front desk after Dec.25th for your Passport and get started January 1st!
Join January Jump-start to reach your goals NOW!
Looking to start 2017 Strong & Motivated? Do you want to lose weight & get healthy but aren't sure where to start? What you get:
- 4 Weeks of Custom Workouts
- Exclusive Nutrition E-Book & Grocery Guide
- Accountability Check-ins
- Motivation & Fitness Resources
- Easy-to-use exercise videos
This program uses fitness expertise to burn fat and build muscle! Commit to 4 weeks of fine tuning your exercise and nutrition habits to make 2017 your year. $99 value is free for the month of January lead by Lily Fontas. [email protected] to register or sign-up at the Front Desk.
December 21st – 30th Swim team winter break
December 23rd – 25th Clubhouse closed for floor resurfacing
Monday, December 26th Pick-up your 90-day passport
Sunday, January 1st Dues increase takes effect
In case you missed it…
The Hills hosted our first “Movie Night” on Saturday, December 3rd, complete with popcorn and the movie Zootopia. According to members and staff, the event went well and we’re already planning the next one. Keep an eye out for more details in the newsletters to follow.
Not long after our first movie night, we hosted our 2nd annual holiday jazz and wine event featuring Therese “TC” Brewitz and her band. Therese and her accompaniment entered the room in hymn, with Therese donning a crown of candles in honor of Saint Lucia, a tradition from her native country. From there, they took the stage and dazzled the audience, even to the point of dancing towards the end. Aside from the entertainment, the food was delicious with juicy and flavorful chicken marsala, and steak with a refreshing horseradish sauce, complimented by pesto pasta, grilled veggies, and a salad. For dessert, our cafe supplied freshly baked brownies. The wine was agreeable as well, with Eddie supplying new sensations for the taste buds. Therese also brought mulled wine called Glögg, another staple of her heritage. All in all, we can’t wait for the next holiday jazz and wine event in 2017! We hope to see you there.
Member Spotlight: The Rapson Family
By Anthony LumOur member spotlight this month is the Rapson Family: David and Ann. David and Ann have been members of The Hills for almost 30 years and come to work out at The Hills everyday at the same time. They met in San Francisco while studying for the bar exam. Shortly after, they began dating and eventually married. Ann and David have been happily married for 33 years now. Their children are grown and living on the East Coast. Spending quality time with their children is important to Ann and David, who make as much time for their children as possible.
When they are not at the club (their home away from home) David and Ann have separate schedules they dwell upon. David is the pitching coach at Head Royce High School in Oakland, while Ann is retired and a superb baker who has won numerous awards at the Alameda County Fair for a number of years, but both work part time as lawyers. In their spare time they like to stay active with swimming and yoga. They also enjoy hiking around Point Reyes and Big Sur, and traveling. Ann and David have traveled to Europe numerous times over the years, exploring the various countries and their historical values.
As the member spotlight for this month, please congratulate David and Ann Rapson for their dedication to The Hills. Keep up the great work!
Employee Spotlight: Tito Solorzano
By Anthony Lum“Tito, do you copy?” “Tito, do you copy?” “Tito!” A common utterance here at The Hills, and Tito an even more popular name (especially via walkie-talkie). Please take a moment to read about our employee spotlight for the month of December: Tito Solorzano.
Tito was born in Granada, Nicaragua, and moved along with his brothers to the United States at the age of 14 to pursue better opportunities, education, and life. He left behind his father and sister, which was the most difficult part of the move for him. In his spare time, Tito enjoys playing and watching basketball and baseball. He is a huge fan of our local teams: the San Francisco Giants and Golden State Warriors. Tito also enjoys shopping for new shoes, watches, and various movies, either in the theater or at home. In addition, he spends his spare time talking with his wife of a year, Martha, who is back in Nicaragua. She is due to arrive here in the US very shortly. They have been together for 10 years. Tito strives to maintain a clean look and thus polishes his Michael Jordans regularly, and details his truck at an auto body shop every 6 months.
Having worked here for many years in maintenance, Tito also works for the City and County of San Francisco. His hard work and dedication to detail make him well liked amongst his peers as well as our members. Please take a moment to congratulate Tito for being the employee spotlight of the month.
Celebrate December Birthdays!
This month we’re celebrating the following employees for their birthdays:
Ruby Kennedy
Betty Fong
Shannon Coskran
Domonick Wegesin
Sara Mohn
Rachel Barach
David Siu
Robert Mooring
Please join us in wishing them a “happy birthday” as a thank you for all of their hard work.
By Therese Brewitz
Happy Holidays from the Pilates Studio!
We wish you good health, rest and relaxation with your loved ones this holiday season.
And why not give an Introductory Pilates Package to your loved ones? Take the stress out of gift buying and head to the Hills Pilates Studio online. You can purchase gift cards starting at $100 that can be used for any of our services. We suggest you try our Intro Pilates Gift Card package for $200 that includes a private session and 4 reformer classes - all you need to get familiar with Pilates and experience results! To learn more and purchase a package, visit: Hills Pilates Studio scheduler. For more info, please contact our studio: [email protected]
Keep an eye out for 2017!
2017 will have many exciting Pilates programs starting in the new year. For anyone with a sore back, look for the Flexion Free workshop. Also, our Barre class will return and we will introduce some new levels of reformer training. We look forward to seeing you often in 2017!
Don’t Miss this New Year Nutrition Special!
Get a free 30-minute consultation with our nutritionist, Rachel Barach
Schedule your free appointment by December 31st to join in during January 2017!
Dear Members,
This time of year, in between all the parties and Christmas cookies, we start to look forward to our health goals for next year. Often the “what” of the goal is the easy part, but the “how” requires a bit more thought. I draw upon my experience as a Certified Nutrition Consultant, Eating Psychology Coach and trained chef, to guide my clients in finding sustainable strategies that work for them. Check out the Nutrition Page for more info.
In our free 30-minute consultation, I'd like to learn about your goals and challenges, and offer some initial suggestions and ideas. I’ve been working with Hills members since 2015 and look forward to meeting those of you I haven't met yet!
This special offer is only for new clients within the month of January 2017, so be sure to get in touch by Dec. 31st to reserve your spot! To schedule please email me at [email protected].
Wishing you and your family the very best Holiday Season,
By Angelique Pine
Season of the Sub
It’s that time of year: the Season of the Sub. Since many of your regular instructors travel during the holidays, you may see some new faces in your classes. Or possibly, the same face a lot! We appreciate your patience and kindness with the substitutes. We also thank the instructors that work so hard to help their teammates. Please check the website if you would like to see who is teaching. We do our best to stick with the original class format whenever possible.
Closures and Cancellations:
The Clubhouse will be closed December 23rd - 25th while the floors are resurfaced. On December 23rd, however, all water classes will go on as usual. From Dec. 26th through Jan 3rd the Master Swim Class will be cancelled.
Thank you and have a lovely holiday season.
Angelique Pine
By Shad Wojtala
Swim Team Winter Break
December 21 - 30
Swim team will not practice during this time.
Pre-Competitive Swim Team
Manta Rays (Pre-Swim Team) AGES 4-8, 4 - 4:30pm, Wednesdays & Fridays
Swimmers will learn the basics of all four swimming strokes as well as how to swim in, and jump or dive into deep water. Team activity skills and group swim safety is introduced. Instruction will be conducted in and out of the water.
Tidal Waves (Novice Swim Team) AGES 6-10, 4:30 - 5pm, Wednesdays & Fridays
Swimmers must pass the following prerequisites for swim team: *50 yards of freestyle with side breathing, *25 yards of back swimming, *treading water for 30 seconds, and *streamlining off the wall for 5 yards. This group will prepare swimmers for competitive swim team and will incorporate on-deck coaching with minimal in-water instruction.
Session 1 January 11 - February 3
Session 2 February 8 - March 3
Session 3 March 8 - March 31
Register Here!
Non-Hills members must complete this form prior to registration.Swim Lessons
Year round private and semi-private lessons continue. We are now offering swim lessons to non-members during our off-season through April. We will also be introducing a few new instructors over the next month! Please read our updated information and pricing as well as our policies and procedures on our website.
Here are our instructors:
Evan Woods » Evan's Schedule!
Mat Lacounte » Mat's Schedule!
Alexandra Spencer-Wong »
Daniel Camozzo »